
Currency We Use

All the products listed on our website are in US Dollar (USD $), although in the future we aim to accept alternative currencies.

Our Payment Methods

We use 3rd-party payment processors. Depending on your country and details, our sales and payment department will send you the payment details upon receiving your order.

Why can't we accept Paypal/Credit Card/Debit Card directly on our website?

This is a question we are often asked at Luxury Deals Replicas and we would like to clear up any misconceptions about the payment methods we accept and don't accept, and the reason.

We used to be able to accept Credit Cards and PayPal but recently we were forced to stop accepting them as our credit card processing account were closed down. Our Credit Card processing account and PayPal accounts was closed with a huge sum of our money seized, due to the processors finding out that we are dealing with replicas, which is against Visa & Mastercard's regulation.

If the banks or Paypal would allow us to use them as a payment processor we would love to accept Paypal and credit/debit cards as it would make running our business much easier. We know it is easy for our clients to use and secure. But unfortunately the banks and Paypal does not work with replica sellers. This is because brand name companies (e.g. Louis Vuitton, Celine etc.) will sue them and fine them for processing payments for replica products. As a result we cannot accept payments directly with your debit/credit cards or Paypal. To make it clear - it is not because we do not want you to have a secure transaction, but it is because we are replica sellers and we are not allowed to use them.

Secondly, a similar issue occurs with credit card processors. They will also be fined if they process payments for replica products. We know that our payment method are not ideal payment methods and are always looking for better payment methods (including ways to accept credit cards) to offer our clients. We hope to make it clear that your comfortability & security as a valued customer concern us and we are always trying to make it more easy to shop with us.

Thirdly, we understand that there are many scams online and that it is difficult to shop online especially for something like a replica product, but we treat our clients money like our money and this is why our business is successful. If you are worried of our company's reputation and reputability, you can do a google search for "LuxuryDeals Replicas review" and you can find many reviews by past customers on many 3rd party review platform websites.

We do not push any client to buy as we already receive a high volume of orders - if you do not trust us that is fine and we don't want you to feel uncomfortable buying from us. If you are wary of sending a large amount of money we suggest you start with a smaller cheaper item and once you verify our quality you will definitely be back for more like our other clients. If you still feel wary then please remember shopping with us is your choice, and we want you to be 100% comfortable before buying.

Read below to see what payment methods we do accept and how to pay with them.

Our Payment Methods - How To Use Them?

Once you have placed your order, we will email you all the details needed along with a guide on how you can make payment using your debit card, credit card or bank account.

(1) TransferWise - How do I pay with Wise (TransferWise)?

please learn some knowlege about transferwise from the videos:

NO.1:Signing up and Making your first Transferwise as follows:

NO.2 Making a transfer:

(1) Remind Our recipient currency is only CNY(chinese money).
(2)please choose "personal" for this transfer
(3)please remember to transfer to someone else! Not for business!

If you still have no idea how to pay,you can just do as follows steps:

1.Download an APP(Transfer wise) or go to the transferwise official website: please choose "personal", sign up by your email and log in.please choose your currncy,and Fill in Money amount,pay attention to the recipient just gets Chinese money"CNY",please choose"CNY",then click "Continue"

2.Choose"personal".(please don't choose "Business")

3.Fill in your information(don't choose "Business"),then continue...

4.Choose "someone else".

5.Fill in the receiver's information.

The following is Transferwise account information:

first name: minghai

last name: yue

date of birth:13rd,Oct,1989

street address:25# fuxing road


Province: Fujian

Country: China

Zip/Postal code: 351100

Email: (pls don't forget to put it!)

Bank name:Bank of China

Unionpay account:6217856400021262887(pls choose unionpay)


Purpose of transaction : General personal living expenses

NOTICE: Remind Our recipient currency is CNY(Chinese money),Our account just can accept CNY,Please convert your money into CNY.

After You Fulfill the payment, Please or Message to whatapp:+86 186-5024-9625

When I confirm your payment successful, I will arrange the order for you as soon as possible. Your order will not be shipped until we receive payment clearly.

If you don't know how to pay by the transfer wise, please contact us, we will give you some guidance.

The tracking number will be given you in 2-3 days.Thank you very much! Happy shopping!

(3) Wire transfer - How do I pay with wire transfer?

Wire transfer remittance details will be provided once you place your order. You can use these details to send an international wire transfer via your bank. Please note our bank is located in China so you must make sure to send an international wire transfer not a domestic wire transfer.

You will need to provide your bank with the following information to send an international wire transfer:

1) Recipient bank name (the bank you’re sending money to).

2) Beneficiary name (the person who will receive the money).

3) Payee’s account number at the bank.

4) Swift Code (International bank code).

**Please Note: Do not send your wire transfer as a commercial transfer otherwise our bank will automatically reject it. If your order # is 1234 you can write “Friend 1234” or mark it as a family/charity payment in the reason/purpose of payment and we will be able to receive your payment without issue. If you send it as a commercial payment for trade/goods your payment will be rejected and bounce back to your account after being rejected by our bank. We will not reimburse clients that do not follow these instructions and are charged a fee.

International wire transfers take anywhere from several days to up to a week or so to receive. We will process your order once your payment is received in our account.
